universe & psyche: Torsten Mühlbach | Gregor Passens | Tony Spyra

Three artists who reinterpret the ready-made after Marcel Duchamp. All three protagonists are based on a sculptural approach. Nevertheless, they work with different materials and pictorial subjects. Irony and sarcasm are paired with socio-critical content and a painful pointing of the finger at our reflection and our true selves. The collective and one’s own being in contradiction

Torsten Mühlbach (*1974 DE, lives in Munich) uses mass media, political, cultural-historical and mythological references as an offensive artistic commentary on current references to the world.

The installations of Gregor Passens (*1974, lives in Munich and Buenos Aires) often appropriate moments of irritation that are fed by the gap between object and environment, between work and context.

The bizarre avant-garde works of Toni Spyra (*1981, DE, lives in Linz and Vienna) can be interpreted in an astonishingly versatile way and offer ample opportunity to recognize current social issues.

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