“Oberflächenwechsel” – Thorben Eggers

“All art is both surface and symbol. Those who penetrate beneath the surface do so at their own risk. Those who pursue the symbol do so at their own risk. In truth, art reflects the viewer and not life.” Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1890.

We are delighted to present the artist Thorben Eggers with a diverse solo show exclusively in our Munich gallery. The artist, who graduated from the Düsseldorf Art Academy in 2015 as a master student of Prof. Eberhard Havekost, explores the significance of the image in the digital age. In doing so, he is interested

transformation of surfaces and digital image motifs into his artistic, analog world of images. In his art, he primarily uses photographic templates and manages to play with our viewing habits through his meticulously perfect painting as well as through his compositions on variously shaped image carriers.

What is exciting is that his oeuvre oscillates between geometric abstraction and figuration.

His abstract works trigger both indirect and direct associations with digital, media symbols. If viewers were to detach themselves from these associations, some of the works would appear to be colorful compositions in the sense of concrete art. In this exhibition, the artist impressively demonstrates that painting is able to constantly reposition itself in confrontations with the so-called new media and the digital age.

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