‘Gone with the Wind’ – Torsten Mühlbach and Gregor Passens at the Amberg Air Museum

Torsten Mühlbach and Gregor Passens are developing a unique exhibition for the Air Museum for the eyes and ears: with a snowman and disco feeling, addressing climate and environmental protection as well as childhood dreams and fantasies.
Gregor Passens (born 1974) graduated from the AdBK Munich in 2003. After various scholarship stays, including in Buenos Aires, Bamberg and the USA, he worked until 2013 as an artistic assistant to Prof. O. Nicolai and Prof. Gerhart (AdBK Munich) until 2013.
Torsten Mühlbach (born 1974) studied sculpture at the AdBK in Munich and graduated in 2009. He has worked as an exhibition organiser and curator for many years. His work ‘Spiegeleinhorn’ was last on show in Amberg for Luftnacht 2022.
Photos: Gregor Passens

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