
The solo exhibition “Springflut” presents a selection of drawings, paintings and sculptures by the artist Helge Leiberg.

Helge Leiberg is a German artist who was born in Dresden-Loschwitz in 1954. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden.

Leiberg is best known for his figurative paintings and sculptures, which are inspired by the human figure and its expressiveness in a musical and dance-like interaction.

Both his paintings and drawings and his bronze sculptures show artfully curved figures with long, fragile limbs, which manifest the beauty and vulnerability of human existence in dynamically expressive gestures.

An important aspect of Helge Leiberg’s artistic work is interdisciplinary performance and happenings.

His works have been shown in numerous exhibitions in Germany and internationally (including the Venice Biennale). His works are also represented in the following collections: Berlinische Galerie, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Kupferstichkabinett Dresden, Herzog August Bibliothek, Kulturfond Freistaat Sachsen, Klingspor-Museum, Berliner Volksbank, Würth Collection.

The artist will be present. We are also looking forward to a vocal performance by Almut Kühne, a Berlin jazz singer and interpreter of new music.

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