n 2010, Galerie Filser & Gräf launched the “Exchange MUC – DUS” exhibition project, in which 22 artists from the Munich and Düsseldorf academies presented their work together. At the time, one of the gallery’s aims was to give the Munich public a regular insight into the art scene in Düsseldorf.
Naturally, the gallery can only show a small fraction of the total. For this exhibition, six different positions of Düsseldorf artists with a focus on painting were invited to OPEN ART 2013 to present their current works in the gallery during the art weekend of the Munich galleries under the exhibition title “On days like these”.
Like Munich, the Düsseldorf Art Academy is one of the oldest academies in Germany. Its best-known representatives include key figures such as Joseph Beuys, Heinz Mac Otto Piene, Gerhard Richter and Günther Uecker.
Even today, a diverse and international group of professors teach at the Düsseldorf Art Academy, as can be seen from the biographies of the artists presented in our exhibition.
But contemporary art is all about one thing: discovering new things!
The painters Christoph Beyer, Alpay Efe, Thorben Eggers, Alexander Gegia, Jacqueline Hess and the sculptor
Agata Agatowska have already worked with the gallery or aroused our interest with their unmistakable style. Now it is time to offer them an exhibition in Munich.
What all the artists have in common is their virtuosity and their astonishing translation of the fictional or the everyday into canvas or sculpture.
“ On days like these ”… Almost all of us have probably sung this phrase to ourselves at some point in the past year, with a special moment in mind that might not have been particularly significant to an outsider. And it is precisely these different peculiarities in everyday life that touch, capture and captivate us personally – these peculiarities can be discovered in the exhibited works … “ on days like these ”…!
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