
“The artist’s task is to depict what is between the object and the artist, namely the beauty of the atmosphere.” – Claude Monet 

The three artists Carolin Israel, Xenia Fumbarev and Julia Schewalie use their art to create different atmospheres that cast a spell over us. They awaken forgotten memories, feelings and strengths within us. They detach us from the rational and give us space for the immaterial – we just have to allow it. 

The colorful imagery of artist Carolin Israel (*1990, Chemnitz) exerts a great attraction. In her abstract color atmospheres and compositions, representational, realistic fragments are scattered and interact with each other, playing with the perpetual dichotomy between myth and logos, feeling and thinking. This clarity in ambiguity is what makes her works so fascinating and gives them an aura of their own.

The works of the artist Xenia Fumbarev (*1986, Kiev, Ukraine) form a counterbalance – like a haven of peace. She works at the interface between photography, sculpture and painting. Facade pictures are produced on concrete panels using a screen printing process. These photographs contain several visual elements: shadows cast on the facades or textures of the walls themselves. Delicate motifs meet raw materials, fleeting moments meet monolithic concrete. Fumbarev’s works thus radiate a kind of “spirituality”. In the mythological imagination and in many popular beliefs, the inner spiritual essence of people and the atmosphere is made visible through shadows.

For the artist Julia Shevalie (*1988 Pavlodar, Kazakhstan, SU), the reflection of light on color-neutral surfaces is of particular interest. She works with various materials and substances such as nylon, shellac or charred wood, sorting, (de)constructing, arranging and composing her pictorial constellations and using this creative process to elevate the materials into the spheres of art. The reflections of light and reflections in her works always incorporate the space, which means that the works are constantly changing and know no fixed state. As a viewer, you are fascinated by this interplay of perception. 

The works of these three artists radiate a special atmosphere and create a space of contemplation, energy and emotion that is waiting to be discovered.

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